Snakes and Strawberries

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DailyGood News That Inspires

October 15, 2017

a project of ServiceSpace

Snakes and Strawberries

Harmony makes small things grow, lack of it makes great things decay.

- Sallust -

Snakes and Strawberries

What can the simplicity of a small home garden teach us about the complexities of the world? Perhaps that life is about finding harmony within ever-changing conditions. Recognizing how balance can be created, and when to act (or not act) according to the needs of the environment. In witnessing the dance of snakes and strawberries in her garden, the author of this piece arrives at the quiet insight that when we attempt to improve situations without looking deeper into the effects of our actions, our deeds can lead to more imbalance. Perhaps earth balance, conservation and peace is less about forcing change, and more about finding the harmony in all life. Finding the sweet spot where snakes and strawberries can both find their home on this earth. { read more }

Be The Change

Think of a way to harmonize yours, or another's life today. To offer support, balance and assistance where it is needed. Before you act, consider all of the effects your actions will have. Notice how you can keep the harmony in your offering.

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