Six Principles of Non-Violence

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DailyGood News That Inspires

October 3, 2017

a project of ServiceSpace

Six Principles of Non-Violence

Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the lightest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man

- Mahatma Gandhi -

Six Principles of Non-Violence

At a time when some feel resistance is inevitable and many are frustrated in effecting the change they seek, non-violence remains the best course of action. Michael Nagler, author of The Nonviolence Handbook, provides six guidelines for engaging with others more safely and effectively. Drawing on the works and wisdom of Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr., Nagler describes the underlying attitudes and specific actions to take for those wanting to resist any large or small injustice that one seeks to address. His guidelines are challenging, but empowering; however, he cautions those choosing non-violence. While non-violent action always works, it can also disrupt the social order, threaten power structures, and even lead to the death of the resister. Despite those risks, non-violent action will transform our relationships and the future. { read more }

Be The Change

Consider the ways in which you may be engaging in violence: thoughts, ideas, language or small actions. Commit to changing one thing. For inspiration and support, explore The Metta Center website. { more }

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