An Unexpected Friend at Our Awakin Circle

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DailyGood News That Inspires

October 13, 2017

a project of ServiceSpace

An Unexpected Friend at Our Awakin Circle

We're all just walking each other home.

- Ram Dass -

An Unexpected Friend at Our Awakin Circle

Awakin Circles started two decades ago when a family in California decided to open their living room on a weekly basis for people to, practice stillness, participate in a circle of sharing, and partake of a meal together. Today there are dozens of Awakin Circles held in homes that span the globe. In these ordinary settings, extraordinary stories unfold. Such as this one from an Awakin Circle held earlier this year in India: "As the talking stick passes, each one shares for a little bit. Until the stick arrives at the hands of first-time guest, who seems to be about 25 years old." After confessing to a life ridden with crime and trauma the young man is astonished at the warmth of the circle. He wonders out loud "I wonder what makes you all trust and open doors for a person like me at this gathering?" Read on to learn how the welcome and acceptance he received profoundly impacted this first-timer. { read more }

Be The Change

How can you reach out today to someone who might be feeling unworthy or unwelcome?

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