| The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are moments when we touch one another.
- Jack Kornfield - | | |
Why Stories Matter "Storytelling, recognised in every society as a way of making sense of cultural roots or social reality, is an elaborate form of metaphor, and memoir is its masterpiece: life stories enable us to share insights and enhance mutual understanding in a social, political, psychological and spiritual sense. Memoir is revolutionary precisely because, when shared, it's a way towards the truth." In this essay, Paul Tritschler skillfully demonstrates how sharing our human stories can connect us, change us, even save us. As common travelers on this earth, we are more similar than different, kept apart by our own mental barriers. Here, Tritschler shares two experiences from his journey where he learned about empathy, altruism, joy, and sacrifice from strangers who broke down barriers with little more than their human spirit. { read more } Be The Change Share a part of yourself today through a story. And if you'd like to tune into someone else's story -- join us for a live DailyGood interview with Clara Moisello -- a bioengineer and neuroscientist whose unusual journey has taken her from analyzing brainwaves to helping transform lives through the power of Non-Violent Communication. Saturday May 20th, 11:00AM-12:30PM PST. RSVP and more details here. { more } | | |
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