Peak Performance: Lessons in Leadership from Mountain Guides

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DailyGood News That Inspires

May 5, 2017

a project of ServiceSpace

Peak Performance: Lessons in Leadership from Mountain Guides

When the best leader's work is done the people say, 'We did it ourselves.'

- Lao Tzu -

Peak Performance: Lessons in Leadership from Mountain Guides

Leadership is needed in times of upheaval and transition -- but what are the qualities it takes to be an effective leader and a positive influence? Christopher I. Maxwell of the Wharton Center for Leadership delves into this question in an interview. In it he discusses his book, "Lead Like a Guide: How World Class Mountain Guides Inspire Us to Be Better Leaders." Maxwell interviewed mountain guides all over the world and found that most successful guides embody six essential leadership traits that can be translated to the world of business, or any realm of life where leadership is needed. While many misunderstand leadership to be leading others forward by direction, mountain guides understand that it is far better to help others discover their own power to overcome great obstacles. Learn how empowering others can help you be an agent for change in your work and in the world. { read more }

Be The Change

Empower those with whom you work to find their strengths before directing them to the solution you think is best. See if the team can take the long but better route by building trust in each other.

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