Spotlight on Kids Who Are Changing the World

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DailyGood News That Inspires

May 26, 2017

a project of ServiceSpace

Spotlight on Kids Who Are Changing the World

We can do no great things; only small things with great love.

- Mother Teresa -

Spotlight on Kids Who Are Changing the World

We live in challenging and stressful times and may wonder how our children must be feeling when we are struggling ourselves.But, even as we try to shelter and protect them, we discover that children and young adults are remarkably resilient and that the things that help us to cope in difficult situations are often the very things that make challenges more bearable for them as well. Moving from a sense of helplessness toward action, using our failures and struggles to reach out to others, and pushing ourselves against our limitations all make us stronger, more compassionate people. The same is true for our children-- often in remarkable ways. In this Daily Good Spotlight, we take a fresh look at past features on young people who faced challenging times and situations in inspiring ways. { read more }

Be The Change

Take a minute to listen to this Pep Talk from the effervescent "Kid President" (AKA Robbie Novak). He reminds us that we all have work to do, "and we can cry about it or we can dance about it... It is everybody's duty to give the world a reason to dance." What will you do today to give the world a reason to dance? { more }

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