The True Birthright of the Storyteller

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DailyGood News That Inspires

May 10, 2017

a project of ServiceSpace

The True Birthright of the Storyteller

We cannot create a world we can't imagine and stories are the engines of our imaginations.

- Josh Stearns -

The True Birthright of the Storyteller

As a newspaper reporter, Rajni Bakshi initially enjoyed the thrill of getting out there to write about any interesting story she could find. But that thrill faded as she began to feel that although it's important to record what is, it is also important to illuminate what can be. To Rajni, that means "making visible those people, ideas and actions that seem at first extraordinary but which actually expand our imagination in ways that empower the 'ordinary' in all of us." Read on to learn more about the perspective of this Mumbai-based freelance journalist and author whose writings are a profound journey into the intellect and spirit. { read more }

Be The Change

If you had to write the story of your life, what would it be? What lessons have you learned from the twists, turns, and opportunities for growth?
To join an Awakin Call with Rajni Bakshi this Saturday, RSVP here. { more }

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