What Would A Slow School Movement Look Like?

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DailyGood News That Inspires

May 18, 2016

a project of ServiceSpace

What Would A Slow School Movement Look Like?

Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel.

- Socrates -

What Would A Slow School Movement Look Like?

"Pausing to ponder the nature and consequences of a burger bar in the center of Rome was how a major eating revolution began. Carlo Petrini, a prominent Italian journalist, was walking past a newly opened McDonald's franchise when he stopped and said: If this is fast food, why not have Slow Food? In much the same way, I was thinking about the standards-based school curriculum, with its emphasis on regurgitated gobbets of knowledge, when I recognized the analogy with fast food. What we have created, with our tests and targets, is the fast school, driven by standardized products. So why not devise a Slow School, driven by an emphasis on how ideas are conceptualized, just as Slow Food is driven by how the innate qualities of ingredients can be realized?" This thought-provoking essay dives deeper into what a Slow School movement might look like. { read more }

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