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10 Ways to Have A Better Conversation

"When your job hinges on how well you talk to people, you learn a lot about how to have conversations -- and that most of us don't converse very well. Celeste Headlee has worked as a radio host for decades, and she knows the ingredients of a great conversation: Honesty, brevity, clarity and a healthy amount of listening. In this insightful talk, she shares 10 useful rules for having better conversations. 'Go out, talk to people, listen to people,' she says. 'And, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.'" Read More >>

20,372 reads, 1,156 shares

The Magic Shop of the Brain

James Doty is a... James Doty is a Stanford brain surgeon and a leading convener of research on compassion. In 1968, he wandered into a magic shop and met a woman who taught him what she called "another kind of magic" that freed him from being a victim of life circumstances. Now, James is on the cutting edge of knowledge of how the brain and the heart talk to each other -- both metaphorically and physically. This fascinating interview from On Being shares more. Read More >>

13,598 reads, 18 shares

5 Things Science Says Will Make You Happier

Happy people are... Happy people are healthier; they get sick less often and live longer. They have more friends, make more money and are more productive at work. Decades of research show that happiness is not just a personal issue, but a matter of public health, global economics, and national well-being. Although it isn't easy, there are some proven methods... Read More >>

13,098 reads, 409 shares

Reframing Our Relationship to That We Don't Control

A palliative care... A palliative care physician, Dr. B.J. Miller brings design sensibility to the art of living until we die. He learned to see life as a "creative enterprise" and largely redesigned his own physical presence after an accident in which lightning struck him with 11,000 volts, leaving him without both of his legs and part of one arm. Tune in to his wisdom on how we can reframe our relationship to our imperfect bodies and all that we don't control. Read More >>

11,911 reads, 397 shares

8 Great Writers On Why Reverence Matters

Reverence. It's a word... Reverence. It's a word that has tumbled out of use and favor in today's world. And humanity has paid a high price for that loss. Here, eight writers, including Wendell Berry and Mary Oliver, speak up in voices that are lyrical, incisive, and urgent, drawing us back to the luminous heart of what it means to live reverently. Read More >>

11,737 reads, 639 shares

The Capacity for Successful Solitude

When asked to share... When asked to share her thoughts on the value of solitude, and her view that if people don't learn to be alone, then they are guaranteed to be lonely, author and psychologist Sherry Turkle had this to say... Read More >>

10,514 reads, 351 shares

4 Reasons to Cultivate Patience

As virtues go,... As virtues go, patience is a quiet one. It's often exhibited behind closed doors, not on a public stage: A father telling a third bedtime story to his son, a dancer waiting for her injury to heal. In public, it's the impatient ones who grab all our attention: drivers honking in traffic, grumbling customers in slow-moving lines. We have epic movies exalting the virtues of courage and compassion, but a movie about patience might be a bit of a snoozer. Yet patience is essential to daily life -- and might be key to a happy one. Read More >>

10,428 reads, 241 shares



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