Smart By Nature: Schooling for Sustainability

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DailyGood News That Inspires

May 21, 2016

a project of ServiceSpace

Smart By Nature: Schooling for Sustainability

To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow.

- Audrey Hepburn -

Smart By Nature: Schooling for Sustainability

"There is a bold new movement underway in school systems across North America and around the world. Educators, parents, and students are remaking K-12 education to prepare students for the environmental challenges of the coming decades. They are discovering that guidance for living abundantly on a finite planet lies, literally, under their feet and all around them -- in living soil, food webs and water cycles, energy from the sun, and everywhere that nature reveals her ways. Smart by Nature schooling draws on 3.8 billion years of natural research and development to find solutions to problems of sustainable living, make teaching and learning more meaningful, and create a more hopeful future for people and communities." Read on to learn more about School by Nature's efforts to inspire tomorrow's leaders and innovators. { read more }

Be The Change

Look with fresh eyes at your community. How are its natural and human-created systems interconnected? Are there any things you can do to improve your community? Perhaps you can recycle, use less water, ride share, or offer your voice to local government. As you develop a more profound sense of place and interconnection, perhaps you can expand your influence into the world around you.

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