7 Lessons About Finding the Work You Were Meant to Do

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DailyGood News That Inspires

May 13, 2016

a project of ServiceSpace

7 Lessons About Finding the Work You Were Meant to Do

Purpose is the place where your deep gladness meets the world's needs.

- -Frederick Buechner- -

7 Lessons About Finding the Work You Were Meant to Do

"Finding your calling -- it's not passive," [StoryCorps founder Dave Isay] says. "When people have found their calling, they've made tough decisions and sacrifices in order to do the work they were meant to do."In other words, you don't just "find" your calling -- you have to fight for it. And it's worth the fight. "People who've found their calling have a fire about them," says Isay, the winner of the 2015 TED Prize. "They're the people who are dying to get up in the morning and go do their work." Read on as Isay shares 7 takeaways he has learned by studying people who have succeeded in the hard-won fight to find the work they love. { read more }

Be The Change

Find a quiet place, away from the chatter of society, friends, or family telling you what to do, and contemplate what it is that makes you come alive. Is there a way to engage in that activity in service to others? Additionally, consider ways in which you can enrich the world right now in your present circumstances, even if as simple as adopting a positive attitude with the people you encounter and helping them feel appreciated.

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