| The stars we are given. The constellations we make. That is to say, stars exist in the cosmos, but constellations are the imaginary lines we draw between them, the readings we give the sky, the stories we tell
- Rebecca Solnit - | | |
Rajni Bakshi: Stories of Modern Day Gandhians Rajni Bakshi is a Mumbai-based freelance journalist and storyteller who writes about social and political movements in contemporary India. Two of her well-known books include 'Bapu Kuti: Journeys in Rediscovery of Gandhi', chronicling the work and lives of activists engaged in social transformation rooted in the philosophy of Gandhi, and 'Bazaars, Conversations and Freedom: for a market culture beyond greed and fear' that looks at the history, philosophy and anthropology of market-systems. In this free-ranging Awakin Call with Rajni Bakshi, a wide range of diverse and thought-provoking themes are illuminated. Some examples include what being a child of Partition means, what journalism done with complete integrity aims to accomplish, the key elements of Gandhian transformation, what alternatives to the dominant market-systems exist, and the spiritual truths hidden in the 'Ram-charit-manas', a poetic narration of the Ramayana by Goswami Thulasidas, a 16th century Indian saint and poet. What follows is the edited transcript of the call. { read more } Be The Change Rajni Bakshi in this interview mentions two important alternatives to the dominant market-systems as including local, organic agriculture and local, complementary currency. See if you can engage with local businesses more this week, whether it's a farmers market or a local bakery or a local hardware store. Are there ways to engage in or encourage local currency in your town or neighborhood? | | |
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