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Imperfection and perfection go so hand in hand, and our dark and our light are so intertwined, that by trying to push the darkness or negative aspects of our life to the side... we are preventing ourselves from the fullness of life.
- Jeff Bridges -
Rachel Callender Sees Superpowers
When Rachel Callendar's baby was born, she was overwhelmed with the negative words used to describe what she saw as the beautiful child in her arms. The doctors saw Evie Amore as disabled and chromosomally damaged but her "mum" Rachel saw her as perfect. Rachel came to the realization that she could find freedom in loving her child just as she was rather than as the doctor's thought she should be. She embraced the short life shared with her daughter and lived it to the full. Read more to consider how you too can embrace the so-called imperfections in your life and enjoy the freedom of living a life of joy. { read more }
Be The Change
The next time you see person who has a disability, think of them instead as "differently-abled" and notice with admiration what they can do well that is so often overlooked by society. You're receiving this email because you are a DailyGood subscriber. Trouble Viewing? On a mobile? Just click here . Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe . May 30, 2022 a project of ServiceSpace ...
You're receiving this email because you are a DailyGood subscriber. Trouble Viewing? On a mobile? Just click here . Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe . November 8, 2017 a project of ServiceSpace ...
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