The Grace of Great Things

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DailyGood News That Inspires

August 25, 2017

a project of ServiceSpace

The Grace of Great Things

We don't respect the inwardness of the things we study, and we therefore do not respect the inward learnings that those things have for us.

- Parker Palmer -

The Grace of Great Things

What if the goal of education becomes making visible and lifting up the souls of all those involved in the process? How might this way of reclaiming and re-grounding the learning-teaching relationship transform both the individual souls involved and the institutional souls of the systems themselves? Parker Palmer reflects on these and other profound questions with respect and grace in an article adapted from a keynote address he delivered on Spirituality in Education sponsored by the Naropa Institute. Weaving together rich and varied stories of Merlin the Magician, Rosa Parks and the poet Ranier Maria Rilke with those of Nobel prize winning scientist Barbara McClintock and the discoverers of the DNA molecule; Parker describes "education at its best these profound human transactions called knowing, teaching, and learning". { read more }

Be The Change

Download the PDF version of Parker Palmer's keynote address and share it with educators and with young adults in your life as the fall semester begins. { more }

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