| We have to drop our creative, competitive hostilities and form the kind of cooperative that the whole Earth is already. Humans have to create our cooperative within Nature.
- Elisabet Sahtouris - | | |
Elisabet Sahtouris on Ecosophy In this interview Elizabet Sahtouris shares how society must unite to work toward the common goal of creating a better future for our planet. In order to overcome our tendency toward destruction, we must put aside our competitive nature to work in global harmony. Ecosophy, or "the household which is wise", she describes, is one that does not separate ecology from economy. "The old and the new worlds are living side by side or within each other right now. If we want to have a better future, all we have to do is start to create it now by living it now". Elizabet beautifully describes the phases through which our planet has gone, and how we can improve upon the next. { read more } Be The Change Even as a child Elizabet was asking the big, philosophical questions: "Who are we, where did we come from, and where are we headed?" Take a little time, perhaps over a cup of coffee, to ask them of yourself, or better still, meet with a few good friends to discuss them. For more inspiration join this week's Awakin Call with Maya Bruer. More details and RSVP info here. { more } | | |
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