What If Schools Taught Kindness?

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DailyGood News That Inspires

February 10, 2016

a project of ServiceSpace

What If Schools Taught Kindness?

You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson -

What If Schools Taught Kindness?

"The school environment can be very stressful; in addition to any issues they bring from home, many students struggle to make friends and perform well in class. Being excluded, ignored, or teased is very painful for a young child, and we thought it could be impactful to teach empathy and compassion. When other kids are suffering-- like that boy who split his chin-- can we understand how they might be feeling? Kindness bridges those gaps and helps build a sense of connection among the students, the teachers, and even the parents. Learning to strengthen their attention and regulate their emotions are foundational skills that could benefit kids in school and throughout their whole lives." { read more }

Be The Change

Today practice random acts of kindness. If you have children, encourage them to plant seeds of kindness as well.

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