95-Year-Old Musician Gets Band Back Together

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DailyGood News That Inspires

February 14, 2016

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95-Year-Old Musician Gets Band Back Together

Where words fail, music speaks.

- Hans Christian Anderson -

95-Year-Old Musician Gets Band Back Together

"Edward Hardy had played with a jazz quartet for nearly 40 years when dementia took hold. Then he moved into a care facility and lost touch with his ensemble. But now the 95-year-old jazz pianist is reliving his musical heyday in his retirement community. With the help of workers at the UK facility where he lives, Hardy was able to post an online ad looking for volunteers to visit him and jam. The response was remarkable. More than 80 people replied to the ad, including the three former bandmates with whom Hardy had lost touch.'I have missed playing and when I do play now it makes me feel better and young again,' said Hardy, who is working on a public performance with his reunited ensemble later this year." { read more }

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