Indiana Jones Meets Florence Nightingale

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DailyGood News That Inspires

February 11, 2016

a project of ServiceSpace

 Indiana Jones Meets Florence Nightingale

Our greatest responsibility is to be good ancestors.

- Jonas Salk -

Indiana Jones Meets Florence Nightingale

"One night I was driving home from a sales conference and I went blind -- I later learned it was stress blindness. I managed to pull over to the hard shoulder of the motorway. All the while I was thinking, 'My life is over; I will never see my kids again'. I promised myself then that if my sight came back, I would find my purpose. I was very lucky, and my sight did return...And then I started to work out what I really wanted to do with my life." Meet Linda Cruse, the woman who has been described as a cross between Indiana Jones and Florence Nightingale, and who is uplifting communities all across the globe. { read more }

Be The Change

This Saturday join a global conference call with Linda Cruse! You can learn more and RSVP here. { more }

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