| When a flower doesn't bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.
- Alexander Den Heijer - | | |
Why Age Diversity Is a Strength at Work Research suggests many benefits from age diversity in the workplace. Among them are better performance results, reduction in age and other biases, and two-way mentoring that can expand learning all around. Tips include purposefully forming diverse groups and teams of people of all ages, life stages, and generations in order to reap the benefits. And there is this: Be a perennial! Perennial is a new term to describe people who defy generational expectations, who are “ever-blooming, relevant people of all ages who live in the present time, know what’s happening in the world, stay current with technology, and have friends of all ages.” “Older perennials find ways to project that they’re young at heart. Younger ones tend to be old souls…” { read more } Be The Change How might you create an environment where more intergenerational moments bloom? Try out one of the tips whether at work or in your personal life. Be a perennial! | | |
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