| Real power is usually unspectacular, a simple setting aside of fear that allows the free flow of love. But it changes everything.
- Martha Beck - | | |
Standing in Authentic Power Stacey Lawson relates how real power is within, and takes inner work and outer action, and how sometimes it’s hard to understand why following inner guidance leads us on a path that doesn’t end where we might have wished. She explains how during meditation she repeatedly received a powerful call to run for political office, and while it was the last thing she wanted to do, and after strong resistance, she ultimately ran. “The thought of actually saying no and turning my back on that felt so paralyzingly flat or disconnected. I knew I had to step in.” During a campaign event, a stranger walked up to her and said, “I hate you.” Stacey’s response surprised even herself, and helped her realize that standing in our power is “doing what's called for and doing it with love," even when we may never know the reason why. { read more } Be The Change Reflect further by joining a live Awakin Call conversation with Stacey Lawson this Saturday! Details and RSVP here: { more } | | |
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