Cooking in the Ainu Way

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DailyGood News That Inspires

August 11, 2022

a project of ServiceSpace

Cooking in the Ainu Way

The Earth is alive and contains the knowledge you seek. It is your consciousness that determines what it reveals.

- Barbara Marciniak -

Cooking in the Ainu Way

"Eiko Soga is a Japanese-born artist and teacher who has had a long-term interest in exploring new forms of relationship with the natural world.She has just completed a PhD research project at the University of Oxford which involved living with a community of Ainu people in Northern Japan. In this interview she speaks about what her experience with the Ainu taught her about ecologically-aware ways of living, and in particular, her experience of learning traditional cooking from an Ainu elder." { read more }

Be The Change

Sit with an elder in your community this week, invite them to share what their Earth walk has revealed to them.

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