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Every day you play with the light of the universe.
- Pablo Neruda -
Odes to Ordinary Things
Inspired by the gift of a book of "Odes to Common Things" by Pablo Neruda, the editors at A Network for Grateful Living, extended an invitation to submit odes to "ordinary things." The response was happy and immediate. Their inbox steadily filled with poems celebrating weeds, streetlights, shoes and crickets. There were love letters to a blender bottle, an acorn, slippers, an iPad -- even to the veins on the top of someone's feet! What follows is a selection of the poems they received. Poems that will delight your heart, and open your eyes to the myriad wonders that surround us all, waiting to be seen and celebrated. { read more }
Be The Change
Look around you and let your eyes come to rest on the very first thing you see. Take a moment to really "see" this thing in front of you. Write a small three-line poem of gratitude for the existence of this extraordinarily ordinary piece of the universe. Then share your poem with someone today. { more } You're receiving this email because you are a DailyGood subscriber. Trouble Viewing? On a mobile? Just click here . Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe . May 30, 2022 a project of ServiceSpace ...
You're receiving this email because you are a DailyGood subscriber. Trouble Viewing? On a mobile? Just click here . Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe . November 8, 2017 a project of ServiceSpace ...
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