| Return to the most human, nothing less Will nourish the torn spirit, the bewildered heart, The angry mind: and from the ultimate duress, Pierced with the breath of anguish, speak for love.
- May Sarton - | | |
Jason Sowell & The Laundry Project When DailyGood volunteer, LuAnn Cooley walked into a laundromat last week, she was greeted by a group of volunteers from The Laundry Project -- a non-profit whose generous mission is "to assist families with meeting a basic need -- washing clothes and linens, by turning laundromats into community centers of hope. Laundry fees are paid for while volunteers assist with laundry services, entertain children, and create a caring space at the laundromat." Surprised and intrigued, Cooley then met founder Jason Sowell (a writer, speaker, social entrepreneur, missionary, part-time barista and more!) and learned about his journey and inspiring vision. This TEDx talk by Sowell offers a glimpse into his story, and his conviction that for many, the gift of clean laundry can be an affirmation of human dignity and possibility. { read more } Be The Change This week, look for small opportunities in your day to speak, and show up, for love. For more inspiration visit The Laundry Project website here. { more } | | |
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