| Ecocide demands a response. That response is too important to be left to politicians, economists, conceptual thinkers, number crunchers; too all-pervasive to be left to activists or campaigners. Artists are needed.
- Paul Kingsnorth and Dougald Hine - | | |
Under the Volcano Charlotte Du Cann is part of the core editorial team behind The Dark Mountain Project. In this essay, she describes The Dark Mountain Project and their new offering, Walking on Lava. The Dark Mountain Project is a collective body of work by recovering journalists who have faced the reality of our current ecological crisis and are producing narratives that look at things differently than the mainstream. It is a creative network that digs beneath the surface of capitalism to reclaim the voice and body that has been suppressed. The writers and artists who make up this group have produced a new work called Walking on Lava. It showcases contrasting voices and genres structured around "the wild places" where artists and writers, awake to the questions faced in catastrophe, are "forging another story," one of depth, wild places, and struggling hearts. { read more } Be The Change Write, paint, photograph, make music, create to make change happen. Use your talents and abilities to inspire, bear witness, and create art on behalf of others as a truth-teller, record keeper and agent of change. { more } | | |
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