Why Are We Here?: Lessons Gleaned on Life's Meaning

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DailyGood News That Inspires

July 6, 2017

a project of ServiceSpace

Why Are We Here?: Lessons Gleaned on Life's Meaning

Man's search for meaning is perhaps the most fundamental search on the road of self-discovery. And in the end, every last of us has to find his own answer.

- Aljoscha Dreisorner -

Why Are We Here?: Lessons Gleaned on Life's Meaning

Perhaps one of the most asked and elusive questions since the dawn of human curiosity is 'what is the meaning of life?' What would you answer? Is there even an answer? In this inspired social project, Aljoscha Dreisorner asked people from all walks of life, from friends to strangers to children and the elderly, what they believe their meaning to be. The answers are as enlightening as they are varied, with an array of different beliefs, as well as common threads of meaning. The experience of gathering the stories gives insight into how each of us interact with the world when we come from a belief of meaning. For those who believe it is to grow and learn, the impacts their interpretation of obstacles and challenge. For those who see love as the meaning, their energy in creating connections is heightened. Read on to see the other common threads that were found. { read more }

Be The Change

Have you ever asked yourself this question? Why not have a discussion with someone to see how your answers may be different.

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