Telling the Right Story

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DailyGood News That Inspires

July 24, 2017

a project of ServiceSpace

Telling the Right Story

In diversity there is beauty
And there is strength

- Maya Angelou -

Telling the Right Story

Bollywood screenwriter Gazal Dhaliwal has lived with deep prejudice and fear in her life that few of us can even imagine. She was born with gender dysphoria. Imagine having to live a facade, to pretend that you are a boy -- when you know with your every fiber that you are a girl. These experiences have given fuel for her life and she is on a mission to tell the story of misunderstood characters -- like herself. She urges us to put into question - what is normal - and to look beyond appearances to the human being beneath. Gazal shows us how stories can change hearts and save lives. To give hope to others who feel hopeless and to connect all human beings. { read more }

Be The Change

Harvard's implicit bias test measures attitudes and beliefs that people may be unwilling or unable to report. Take it here. { more }

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