The Science of the Story

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DailyGood News That Inspires

June 9, 2016

a project of ServiceSpace

The Science of the Story

Stories can conquer fear, you know. They can make the heart bigger.

- Ben Okri -

The Science of the Story

Stories are told in the body. It doesn't seem that way. We tend to think of stories as emerging from consciousness -- from dreams or fantasies -- and traveling through words or images to other minds. We see them outside of us, on paper or on screen, never under the skin. But we do feel stories. We know in our gut when we're hearing a good one -- and science is starting to explain why. { read more }

Be The Change

Today, be mindful of the stories that you are taking in. Not just from books, but newspaper headlines, the radio, TV, the internet and conversations. Is there a particular kind of story that is predominant in your life? And if so, what kind of impact does it have on you?

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