Rebecca Solnit: Falling Together

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DailyGood News That Inspires

June 25, 2016

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Rebecca Solnit: Falling Together

Purposefulness and connectedness bring joy even amidst death, chaos, fear and loss

- Rebecca Solnit -

Rebecca Solnit: Falling Together

Rebecca Solnit, author and contributing editor of Harper's, seeks "to describe nuances and shades of meaning, to celebrate public life and solitary find another way of telling." Her profound books defy category as she chronicles untold histories of redemptive change in places like post-Hurricane Katrina New Orleans because, "when all the ordinary divides and patterns are shattered, people step up to become their brother's keepers." Read on for more of her thoughts in an interview by Krista Tippet. { read more }

Be The Change

One of Solnit's books is Hope in the Dark, which she wrote to affirm "that darkness is a kind of mysterious, enveloping sense of possibility and communion." See if you can find a new point of view about the challenges you face in the next few days or explore a new attitude to darkness.

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