Unlocking Multiple Forms of Wealth

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DailyGood News That Inspires

April 19, 2016

a project of ServiceSpace

Unlocking Multiple Forms of Wealth

Simple, genuine goodness is the best capital to found the business of this life upon. It lasts when fame and money fail, and is the only riches we can take out of this world with us.

- Louisa May Alcott -

Unlocking Multiple Forms of Wealth

Much of today's society is designed through the lens of financial wealth, but is our world richer for it? Nipun Mehta uses that question as a springboard to make a compelling case for alternative forms of wealth that are often overlooked -- like time, community and attention. Drawing on his personal journey with ServiceSpace, as well as fascinating research and real-world examples, this inspiring talk invites listeners to consider a catalytic question: what forms of wealth do you care about? { read more }

Be The Change

Explore a Laddership Circle to design a new project with the lens of multiple forms of capital. { more }

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