As humans have begun to explore the mysteries of outer space, both by sending unmanned probes and physically traveling beyond the Earth's atmosphere, a vast number of amazing pictures have been collected. Often photographs of outer space are recorded for the purposes of science, but are also often breathtakingly beautiful images revealing the wonders of the universe. This post brings together 20 of the most astounding pictures of space ever created. Read More >> 111,146 reads, 1,429 shares  The consumerist culture of modern life often propogates a self-defeating brand of discontent. A die-hard preoccupation with what we lack, be it in the realm of material things, relationships or status, can often blind us to the profound gifts that we hold in each moment. We sometimes forget that the flip-side of happiness is a grateful heart. When we practice gratefulness, we tap into the richness of our own lives and discover the antidote to the scarcity mindset. And what better time to start than in this season of Thanksgiving? The following article shares ten simple ways to cultivate gratitude. Read More >> 15,478 reads, 1,309 shares  In what has been named as one of the best commencement speeches of all time, Parker Palmer, author, educator, and founder of the Center for Courage and Renewal, shares six pillars of a wholehearted life. The first, be reckless in matters of the heart: "Fall madly in love with life. Be passionate about some part of the natural and/or human worlds and take risks on its behalf, no matter how vulnerable they make you." Read on for more and to watch the video. Read More >> 14,879 reads, 868 shares  "At the end of our lives, what do we most wish for? For many, it's simply comfort, respect, love. BJ Miller is a palliative care physician at Zen Hospice Project who thinks deeply about how to create a dignified, graceful end of life for his patients. Take the time to savor this moving talk, which asks big questions about how we think on death and honor life." Read More >> 13,187 reads, 945 shares  There's something deep nestled within a dog's unconditional love, that prompts humanity's abiding devotion to these gracious,four-legged beings. In our worst of times, they are always there -- cold nose pressed firmly to heart, reminding us that we are not alone. In her beguiling book, Beloved Dog, artist Maira Kalman brings to life the deep bond between humans and their canine companions. Read More >> 8,573 reads, 375 shares  "Can you walk, sweetheart?" I say these words to our dog Stella who is dying. Its time for breakfast and if she walks from our bed to the kitchen, maybe that will be a sign. Maybe she will be alright. So I ask her again, Can you walk? As I ask, I remember eleven years of sleeping twisted like a pretzel so the dog could get a good nights sleep. I remember mornings, how she rose at dawn and stomped her Pointers feet on the mattress to get me up, to flush me out of the brush of sleep as she would a wild quail. Now its nine a.m. and she sighs at the foot of the bed, eyes alert and breathing rapidly." In this poignant piece the writer reflects on the relationship between joy, love and suffering. Read More >> 7,569 reads, 479 shares  Every day, the world we live in and the vast universe around us, offer countless questions waiting to be answered. And despite all of our scientific advances and vast reservoirs of knowledge many times the answers remain elusively just out of our reach. In this thoughtful piece writer Wayne Muller explores the counter-intuitive power of not knowing. Read More >> 7,383 reads, 264 shares  |
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