| ...it must be one of the tasks of poets to make visible all the invisible connected threads that draw us together, to disclose the intricate web of life as a sentient whole.
- Peter Abbs - | | |
The World Longs for More Poets of the Everyday In this poetic piece, Deepa Iyer misses the little connecting moments in our everyday lives – how we don’t seem to listen to one another or even see one another: “It is the ache of loneliness that persists even in the largest crowds, the dissonance of a human connection lost to relentless pace.” As a poet, she wonders about holding the space for poetry in the ordinary. “What if poetry didn’t live only in verses but in conversations, gestures, and the smallest interactions?” She seeks to live poetically by her presence. “How can I serve through my being? Service, I’ve learned, is as much about how we show up in the world as it is about what we do. It’s in the way we greet a stranger, hold space for someone’s story, or infuse gratitude into the mundane… to let the small ripples of your being touch the vastness of theirs…” { read more } Be The Change At the next opportunity, show up and hold space for those around you. By your presence alone, embrace the poetic moments that invite "the world to feel a little more whole." | | |
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