| Conflict is the primary engine of creativity and innovation. People don't learn by staring into a mirror; people learn by encountering difference.
- Ronald A. Heifetz - | | |
Divisions Bring Some Together in this US County Residents of Port Angeles, Washington gather weekly to exchange ideas and thoughts on current issues. When the primarily Democratic group didn’t reflect the community’s politics, they reached out to welcome Republicans. They sometimes find common ground, but “consensus isn't really the point,” according to David Fox, a longtime member. "It really is just to be face-to-face with other people's ideas, and we don't hold back." Residents say they like hearing opinions different from their own. As Fox said, "Whatever happens, whatever difficulties confront us, what's most important to me is that we don't go further and further away from each other." { read more } Be The Change Start up a conversation with someone who does not hold the same position as you on an issue -- not to convince, but to simply connect and learn. Consider forming a group to do the same. | | |
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