| The soul is immense. And experience is immense, but in order to communicate the soul to experience, there needs to be a language of the soul.
- Zhenevere Sophia Dao - | | |
Beyond the 'Identity Machine' In an intriguing conversation, Alnoor Ladha interviews Zhenevere Sophia Dao, who discusses a range of effects from the cultural preoccupation with creating and emphasizing an individual identity. Dao suggests that this preoccupation stems from systemic forces that push us to replace the primal sense of belonging with an exaggerated personal identity. "The relationship to one’s soul and to other souls is so immediate that the resume that we allow ourselves to call an identity is actually not that interesting. It disappears," she describes. Dao further proposes the idea that social media, consumerism, and technology are "identity machines" that can magnify notions of identity and detract individuals from authentic experiences. She further challenges society's understanding of infirmity, depression, and grief, noting their significant role in shaping one's soul and encouraging a more profound sense of belonging. { read more } Be The Change Prioritize authentic interaction and mindful presence over performance or achievement this week. Observe what intangible forms of value get generated in the process. | | |
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