| Everything is eventually recompensed, every effort of the heart eventually requited, though not always in the form you imagined or hoped for.
- Maria Popova - | | |
17 Life Learnings from 17 Years of the Marginalian "The Marginalian was born on October 23, 2006, under an outgrown name, to an outgrown self that feels to me now almost like a different species of consciousness. (It can only be so -- if we don't continually outgrow ourselves, if we don't wince a little at our former ideas, ideals, and beliefs, we ossify and perish.) Seven years into this labor of love, which had by then become my life and livelihood, I decided to set down some of the most important things I learned about living in the course of writing this personal record of reckoning with our search for meaning. Every year in the decade since, I have added one new learning and changed none of the previous. (It can only be so -- a person is less like a star, whose very chemistry, the source of its light, changes profoundly over its life-cycle, and more like a planet, like this planet, whose landscape changes over the ages but is always shaped by the geologic strata layered beneath, encoding everything the planet has been since its birth.)" Maria Popova shares more... { read more } Be The Change What are some of the key life-learnings from your own time on this planet? | | |
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