A Higher Level of Conscious Engagement

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DailyGood News That Inspires

March 3, 2023

a project of ServiceSpace

A Higher Level of Conscious Engagement

Where there is love, there is revolution, because love is transformation from moment to moment.

- Jiddu Krishnamurti -

A Higher Level of Conscious Engagement

"The challenge for both moral and social activists is to avoid getting spun out by the need to change dysfunctional human behaviors and unjust systems. They should seek to avoid corrosive judgmentalism: When exuberance for justice leads to the demonization of others, more injustice is being perpetrated. Constant unresolved anxiety, frustration, anger, and even outrage can lead not only to burnout, but to a fixation on the externals of the problem. The attention of the activist can get trapped in the field of action and disconnected from the nurturance of being itself."James O'Dea, author and a former director of Amnesty International shares more in this passage. { read more }

Be The Change

For more inspiration, consider applying for an upcoming Laddership Pod, a three-week global peer-learning lab for values-driven changemakers. More details here. { more }

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