| In a self-organizing system, leadership is distributed-- it can come from anywhere, from anyone, at any time, manifesting in ways that may stretch beyond some people's narrow definition of the word.
- David Ehrlichman - | | |
Fostering Self-Organization "When working in collaboration with others, where theres no single person in charge and the way forward is unclear, it can be hard to know when to lead and when to follow. In these situations, you may hope that people spontaneously self-organize to get things done, but the reality is that leadership always matters. Leadership is needed to facilitate conversations, weave connections, coordinate actions, and catalyze a network of people with aligned goals. But it requires a different kind of leadership than we usually see in traditional, hierarchical, do-as-the-leader-says environments, one we call network leadership." In this excerpt from his book, 'Impact Networks,' David Ehrlichman shares four key principles to realize the immense potential of collaborative and purpose-driven networks. { read more } Be The Change Watch the short film Ehrlichman produced,"Impact Networks: Creating Change in a Complex World." { more } | | |
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