| It's paradoxical and it's fantastically benevolent that we can feel deeply in contact with the world around us as, and really only as, we cultivate that deep contact within ourselves.
- Judith Blackstone - | | |
Inhabiting the Ground of Being "The Realization Process is a way of uncovering an experience of this very subtle consciousness that we actually can experience pervading our whole body. We experience that and we transcend that individuality at the same time. We experience oneness, this ground of being, pervading our own body, and everything around us. So, in other words, our consciousness becomes subtle enough to pervade all of the content of our experience. And it pervades inside and out. And in doing that, it reveals and helps us access and release the psychologically-based constrictions, the trauma-based constrictions in our body. In doing that it helps get to the core of our being, to the source of our love, to our greatest openness of emotional responsiveness, our greatest fluidity of our thoughts, and so forth. This consciousness is a disentangled aspect of ourselves. So, when we know ourselves as fundamental consciousness, all of the contents of experience move more fluidly." Judith Blackstone, founder of the Realization Process and author of "Trauma and the Unbound Body shares more in this interview. { read more } Be The Change Join an upcoming conversation with Roberta Tachi, a senior teacher of the Realization Process: "Integrating Body & Mind". More details and RSVP info here. { more } | | |
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