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We are cultivating a garden together, backs to the sun. The question is a hoe in our hands and we are digging beneath the hard and crusty surface to the rich humus of our lives.
- Parker Palmer -
What Do Gardens Mean?
"This much is clear: people calling themselves artists and who are called artists by others -- are making gardens and calling it art, or are making art in which the making of gardens is part of what they are calling art. And for a very long time, people who may not call themselves anything, have been making gardens that other people call art. Further, it would be greatly surprising if all this were not to continue. And given this time of profound meddling with nature and the dreadful results we are experiencing, the garden might be, in all its forms, the place best suited for calling us back to our senses -- a role of gardens long established and held dear, whether consciously or not." In this lovely, introspective piece, Richard Whittaker dives straight into the heart of a powerful, and curious question: What do gardens mean? { read more }
Be The Change
What do gardens mean to you? Take a moment to capture your spontaneous response to this question in some form. You're receiving this email because you are a DailyGood subscriber. Trouble Viewing? On a mobile? Just click here . Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe . May 30, 2022 a project of ServiceSpace ...
You're receiving this email because you are a DailyGood subscriber. Trouble Viewing? On a mobile? Just click here . Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe . November 8, 2017 a project of ServiceSpace ...
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