| We cannot create compartments in life -- political, economic, social, environmental. Whatever we do or don't do affects and touches the wholeness, the homogeneity. We are forever organically related to wholeness.
- Vimala Thakar - | | |
Spirituality and Social Action: A Holistic Approach "No one who met her [Vimala Thakar] could fail to be moved.For she was a great spiritually enlightened revolutionary and activist; a notable Indian figure of the 20th Century who boldly forged a radically independent approach to spirituality and the search for truth. Freed from all religious tradition, she brought the timeless wisdom of the East to the modern egalitarian West without the baggage of religious terminology, endeavoring to awaken people through deep rational inquiry. Fiercely independent, beholden only to her own burning passion for liberation, she crisscrossed the world for many years, traveling to 35 countries through the sixties, seventies and eighties, exhorting all who would listen to wake up to what she would term the 'totality of Life.'" Chris Parish shares more in this tribute, that also includes an excerpt from Vimala Thakar's book 'Spirituality and Social Action: A Holistic Approach." { read more } Be The Change For more inspiration, check out "The Essence of Spirituality," another excerpt from Thakar. { more } | | |
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