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An animal's eyes have the power to speak a great language.
- Martin Buber -
The Emotional Life of Animals
Any animal lover knows how intelligent our four-footed friends are, and how many emotions they share with us--especially the positive ones. And now scientific research tells us they have sensory and motor abilities that dwarf ours. Dogs are able to detect diseases such as cancer and diabetes and warn humans of impending heart attacks and strokes. Elephants, whales, hippopotamuses, giraffes, and alligators use low-frequency sounds to communicate over long distances, often miles. And bats, dolphins, whales, frogs, and various rodents use high-frequency sounds to find food, communicate with others, and navigate. Read on for empathy among elephants and chimpanzee waterfall dances. { read more }
Be The Change
There are many stories about animals rescuing members of their own and other species, including humans. Their display of compassion and empathy for those in need is a lesson for us. How can you help someone in need this week? You're receiving this email because you are a DailyGood subscriber. Trouble Viewing? On a mobile? Just click here . Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe . May 30, 2022 a project of ServiceSpace ...
You're receiving this email because you are a DailyGood subscriber. Trouble Viewing? On a mobile? Just click here . Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe . November 8, 2017 a project of ServiceSpace ...
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