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It is good to have an end to journey toward, but it is the journey that matters in the end.
- Ursula K. Le Guin -
All My Best Words Were Hers: A Tribute to Ursula Le Guin
The impact of literature and specifically, an author, on a person can be "unfathomable." In this tender tribute, Isaac Yuen recounts the many ways Ursula K. Le Guin influenced his life and his writing. He admits he is "only a fan." He confesses his inadequacy in expressing how her work guides his: "I write about how reading her words transported me to strange worlds and into new souls, how that sparked my own journeys as a reader and a writer. The sentiment is trite. I steal her own words to say what she already knows. I cannot say what I mean. I cannot find the way." And yet, he does. With profound love, he shares the legacy she leaves for him and the world. { read more }
Be The Change
What author has had an impact on your life? Write a brief essay on the ways that person has influenced your ideas, values, even choices and decisions through their work. { more } You're receiving this email because you are a DailyGood subscriber. Trouble Viewing? On a mobile? Just click here . Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe . May 30, 2022 a project of ServiceSpace ...
You're receiving this email because you are a DailyGood subscriber. Trouble Viewing? On a mobile? Just click here . Not interested anymore? Unsubscribe . November 8, 2017 a project of ServiceSpace ...
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