The Age of Overwhelm: Strategies for the Long Haul

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DailyGood News That Inspires

April 2, 2019

a project of ServiceSpace

The Age of Overwhelm: Strategies for the Long Haul

When we lack compassion, we become significantly stifled in our ability to connect with ourselves, with others, and with our lives.

- Laura van Dernoot Lipsky -

The Age of Overwhelm: Strategies for the Long Haul

"Report after report documents how--despite more technologies aimed at connecting people, ideas, and information--people of all ages continue to experience greater and greater social and personal disconnection. Why? Well, our body, mind, and spirit can only keep up with so much. When overloaded, we may disconnect because it all is too much or feels like it is too much. Disconnecting from our self and our immediate surroundings may have been a conscious or unconscious strategy from back in the day that helped us to get through. But if we don't tend to those circumstances, past and present, and if we don't constantly hone our ability to remain connected to ourselves, even amid what may feel untenable, we may unconsciously or consciously disconnect. And disconnection from ourselves can creep in gradually, stealthily, because of what we choose to expose ourselves to or happen to be exposed to." Founder of the Trauma Stewardship Institute Laura van Dernoot shares more. { read more }

Be The Change

For more inspiration, join this Saturday's Awakin Call with Laura van Dernoot Lipsky, 'Sustaining Ourselves Through Trauma and Overwhelm.' More details and RSVP info here. { more }

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