| A generous heart is always open, always ready to receive our going and coming. In the midst of such love we need never fear abandonment. This is the most precious gift true love offers - the experience of knowing we always belong.
- bell hooks - | | |
Can Love Be A Force for Social Justice? Anne Firth Murray, a professor at Stanford University, teaches courses on international women's health and one called, "Love as a Force of Social Justice." In this interview, she describes introducing students to the different concepts of love, empowering them to be conscious of the power of love and the possibility of practicing it in every day life, and highlighting the idea of love as a force for social justice. Drawing on the works and inspiration of Mahatma Gandhi, Thich Nhat Hanh, Rumi, bell hooks, Martin Luther King, Jr., and others, she is on an unwavering pursuit of truth and nonviolent action using love as a tool for change. Her course brings her students along with her. { read more } Be The Change For 14 days, look for and experience small acts of kindness and love in your life. If you don't witness an act of love on any given day, perform one no matter how small. Write a journal entry every day to commemorate the what you saw or did. For more inspiration join this Saturday's Awakin Call with Lee Perlman, founder of the MIT Prison Initiative. RSVP and more details here. { more } | | |
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