| I learned silence from the talkative and tolerance from the intolerant and kindness from the unkind.
- Khalil Gibran - | | |
The Revolutionary Power of Diverse Thought Elif Shafak is a Turkish author, columnist and speaker who writes stories of women, minorities, immigrants, subcultures, and youth in both Turkish and English. In this Ted Talk, she exposes the unprecedented challenges facing the world today, the attraction to and fallacy of following demagogues, and how these same problems will show us the way forward: the indispensability of democracy, the need for global solidarity, the beauty of cosmopolitanism and diversity, the portability of homeland, and the telling of stories that evoke the taste of freedom. { read more } Be The Change When does finding one's tribe become engaging in tribalism? Choose one or more of these suggestions and expand your tribe: cover new ground by going to areas unfamiliar whether near or far from your home, take in a festival and celebrate food and art that are not of your tribe, try something new by joining a club or starting a hobby or attending a museum or cultural group, volunteer in communities (including countries) that are not part of your tribe, be open to new friendships (adapted from Doing Good Together) { more } | | |
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