How Sleep Resets the Brain's Emotional Compass

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DailyGood News That Inspires

November 11, 2016

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How Sleep Resets the Brain's Emotional Compass

Sleep that knits up the raveled sleeve of care,
The death of each day's life, sore labor's bath,
Balm of hurt minds, great nature's second course,
Chief nourisher in life's feast.

- William Shakespeare -

How Sleep Resets the Brain's Emotional Compass

"As most of us know all too well, lack of sleep and a bad mood often go hand-in-hand. But a poor night's sleep doesn't just put a damper on your own emotions. New research from The University of California, Berkeley suggests that it may also hinder your ability to accurately read the emotions of others -- an impairment that may have wide-ranging consequences for our social interactions." { read more }

Be The Change

Join an Awakin Call this weekend with sleep expert and professor of neuroscience Dr. Matthew Walker on "Sleeping Enough to be Truly Awake". Details and RSVP info here. { more }

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